Tuesday May 6th Jessica went to the hospital in labor only dilated to (0) with nothing happening, she was sent home.
Wednesday May 7th Jessica went to her Doctor dilated to (2) she was again sent back home.
Thursday May 8th to the hospital again. Dilated to (3 and some) sent home again. Took a sleeping pill the doctor gave her. The nurse told her if she woke up with labor pains she would definitely be in labor. She slept all night (didn't even get up to pee) and awoke feeling great.
Friday May 9th labor continues on and off. Jessica took a nap and felt pretty good 6:36 pm I get a call," my water broke and I am going to the hospital." She had called Brian No turning back now.
7:45 PM they arrive at the hospital and she had Graham at 8:01PM The staff at the hospital never even got an IV in her, Jessica hates the iv's She said they hurt more than labor. She is CRAZY!!!!From arrival to the Hospital until delivery of Graham, was 16 min.
Here is Graham Taylor Montgomery
Stats: 6 lbs 2 oz
19.5 inches long
Looks great, healthy, eating well, and no jaundice.
Bristol giving him a big kiss.
Weston loves his little brother. One down two more to go!! Randee is next with Sharlie and then Jenny with their little boy ( unsure of name yet)
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